Common Property Drainage Problems and How to Address Them

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Common Property Drainage Problems and How to Address Them

Proper drainage of your property is very important, as having water build up on the property can mean flooding in your home's basement, cracks in the foundation, and ice that forms on the walkways and the sod itself. Note a few common drainage problems and solutions that you might try with your property, so your home and your lawn are protected from flooding and other damage.

Your landscaping

Your own landscaping can actually cause drainage issues on your property; if you have no grass or other vegetation planted on the property, the soil can become overly moist and water can then make its way toward your home.  Many homeowners often use too much topsoil or mulch when planting flowers and other vegetation, and this can also capture water and not allow it to drain away toward the street and city drains. Work with a landscaper to plant the right amount of grass and other vegetation on the property, and to prepare the soil so that it's not overly moist and so that water drains as it should.

The soil

If soil is too sandy, it will let moisture slip right through, so that it may easily run toward your house rather than being absorbed. You can have new soil brought into your property and have it mixed with the old, so that it's more compact and won't allow for such rapid drainage. You might also have permeable pavers placed around the property; these are a type of cement block that allows water to run through their surface. This can slow down that flow of water so that it can be more readily absorbed by the soil and any nearby vegetation, rather than letting this water flow toward the home.

Solid surfaces

If you have many solid surfaces outside your home, including stone patio pavers, a large concrete carport or patio area, and other such paved spots, these materials can also keep water from draining away as it should. Depending on how those materials are graded, they could be directing water back to the home, or to an area that is prone to flooding. Check the grade of these areas, so you know they're properly sloped away from the home and toward the street, and this will ensure these solid surfaces are not allowing water to seep into the soil around the home's foundation. You can also add permeable pavers to these areas rather than standard concrete or patio stones, so that they allow water to drain into the soil properly, rather than running toward the home.

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Improving Your Home If you are interested in improving your home, you should get in touch with your local construction contracting company. This is what I did and I was pleasantly surprised with the efficiency and professionalism of the contractors. Electrical contractors rewired our home, plumbers installed new pipes and the bricklayers helped to build an extension onto the back of our home which has given my family a lot more room. While the contractors were carrying out the work, they would stop and chat with me when I had questions about what they were doing. I hope you find my blog useful.
